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Stevens Point Sixers Board Members

Member Name Position Phone Email
Bobby Opiola President 715-340-3526
John Lawrynk Vice President 715-498-0454
Hayley Marschke Treasurer 715-630-7675
Jenni Koback Secretary / Volunteer Manager 715-340-8437
Annette Czerneski. Concessions Manager / Assistant Web Admimistrator 715-572-4234
Jesse Suehs Raffle Ticket Fundraiser Manager / IT Needs Coordinator 715-347-2202
Josh Hanson Board Member 208-721-0298

About the board and a list of current projects

The Stevens Point Sixers American Legion Post 6 Board is a group of volunteers working together to provide an enjoyable and successful youth baseball program for boys ages 13-19 in the city of Stevens Point and surrounding area. We work with the city of Stevens Point, Stevens Point Area Senior High baseball program, Pacelli baseball program, the Beren-Scribner Post 6 American Legion organization and the community to maintain and upgrade Bukolt Park's ball field.
  • Our board consists of 5-15 board members.
  • The board typically holds monthly board meetings but may meet twice a month during the late winter and early spring before baseball season.
  • The board must have a President and Vice President.
We are need of parent and community volunteers to join our board to help us continue to provide a quality program for area youth.  Please contact a board member if you are interested.
There are several projects the board is working on:
  • LED lighting project for the ball field.
  • New permanent billboard to replace our current outfield fence banners. This will provide a prominent and permanent space for business to show their support to area baseball teams.
  • Concession stand upgrades so we can continue to provide quality food and beverages for high school and legion games. 
    • Popcorn machine replacement 
    • Freezer replacement
    • New concession stand counter 
    • Coffee maker for coffee and hot chocolate at  games on cold days.
  • Upgrade our aging sound system for announcing games.
  • New bases for the field.
  • Upgrade our batting cages as the base of the cages are worn and falling apart.
We hope area business and community members can provide financial support to our program to achieve some of these upgrades for the upcoming season.  Please contact a board member if you are interested in helping us out.